Musicians Without Borders

Musicians Without Borders (MWB), established in 1999, is a global network organization using the power of music for healing and reconciliation in areas torn by war and conflict. Musicians without Borders develops projects in response to local needs and in cooperation with local musicians and civil society organizations

Musicians without Borders

About Musicians Without Borders

Musicians Without Borders uses the power of music to bridge divides, connect communities, and heal the wounds of war.  Since 1999, we’ve been using the power of music for peace-building, connecting people, empowering musicians as social activists, and training local youth as change-makers.

Our long-term commitment allows our participants the time to develop skills and talents, process grief and loss, and build bridges of reconciliation in societies divided by recent or ongoing conflict.

Why music?

Where war has raged, people need everything to return to life: food, water, shelter, clothing, medicine. But more than anything, people need hope. To reconcile, people need empathy. To heal, people need connection and community.

Music creates empathy, builds connection and gives hope.

Marketing en communicatie vacatures bij Musicians Without Borders

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29 mrt 2018 1016 Redactie 0
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