LUMICKS is a recent spin-off from the VU University in Amsterdam, bringing to market a revolutionary technology enabling for the first time to take videos of DNA-protein interactions at the single molecule level, which is key to e.g. Cancer research.


History of LUMICKS

LUMICKS is a recent spin-off, rooted in the research groups led by Prof. Gijs Wuite and Prof. Erwin Peterman at the VU University Amsterdam, bringing to market the revolutionary C-Trap Correlative Tweezers-Fluorescence Microscope (CTFM). This enables the disruptive technique of live imaging of dynamic protein – nucleic acid interactions at the single molecule level.

Currently a team of Optical, Mechanical, Electronic and software engineers is manufacturing the first commercial CTFM systems, and works on continuous product improvements.


LUMICKS creates for the first time the ability to observe DNA-protein interactions in real-time, at the single-molecule level, and under near-physiological conditions. Understanding genetic processes at the molecular level is key for prevention and cure of Cancer and other genetic disorders.

Live observation at the molecular level is game changing, and the LUMICKS start-up aims to make this technology available to create a better world.

03 jun 2015 1659 Redactie 0
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J. A. Wuite

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