Guy and Baba (the founders of Hammerfest) became intrigued by the short attention span and selectivity of consumers. People are less willing to hear brand messages and want to decide for themselves what content they consume, as well as when and where. Themselves being no different. We watch Netflix whenever we want, we buy Spotify memberships because we want to avoid commercials and we change channels when the endless commercial block makes its way.
And ironically enough, that's a good thing. It's an opportunity to challenge your brand to create content that's actually worth consuming. Brands can create valuable conversations, loyalty (communities even) and eventually full on brand experiences if they develop content that people want to consume – instead forcing content it upon them. This insight is what lead to what we like to call: premium content. Whether it's a kick ass Facebook post, an offline brand experience, an interactive online game or a 360 degree video. If people like consuming it, we love creating it. And so we do.
If people like consuming it, we love creating it.
We have a cool background story on the name too. Hammerfest is named after the most northern village of Norway, located within the polar circle. The city's harbor functions as a haven for icebreakers. These ships clear paths for other vessels. This matches our perception of creative advertising perfectly. Leading the way for others and turning left when everybody else's noses are facing right. Noticed the pulsing blue dot on our website? That's Hammerfest too.
Next to working for awesome brands, we make cool stuff for ourselves too. What better way to endorse your brand than to create what you believe in? Needless to say vodka is one of those things. Brewed in Amsterdam, named after Hammerfest. The distinguished taste sure makes you think you can dance. Obviously we drink the vodka at our parties. We have something very special in store for our most valued customers as well (sit tight). In 2017 we're headed for something even bigger. Together with Travel Stories we will publish a coffee table book that will make your wander lust. If you've seen our clients (or know us personally) you know that traveling makes us very happy. This book will be a collection of travels and pictures from our globetrotter Daniel de Leau. More on this will follow soon.
"Oh my god. I love that HTML banner!" - Said no one ever
Our logo has a story too. We went back to the roots of Hammerfest and found out that the original inhabitants were Saami. The Saami are nomadic people, inhibiting the Nothern European lands. They have a strong sense of community from where their own language and alphabet emerged. From the distinctive letter 'H', the logo of Hammerfest arose. Its recognizable and robust character is perfect for our brand.
This is who we are and what we stand for. Feel free to give us a call or stop by for a shot of vodka.See you soon. Or, as the Norwegians would say:
Sees snart,
Guy & BabaAnd the rest of team Hammerfest
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