DUS Architects

Based in Amsterdam, DUS Architects make public architecture – design that consciously influences everyday life. DUS designs things that make you feel at home in the world – from your favorite coffee mug to the neighborhood that you live in. To DUS, architecture is a craftsmanship, and all their work has a personal touch. As is shown by their most recent project, the 3D Print Canal House, where they are 3D printing an entire house as research into how new digital fabrication techniques can lead to affordable tailor-made architecture.

DUS Architects

Office profile

DUS architects was founded by Msc Arch. Hans Vermeulen (1977), Msc Arch. Martine de Wit (1977) and Msc Arch. Hedwig Heinsman (1980) in 2004. The office builds 'Public Architecture': Design that consciously influences our daily life. This social significance shows at all levels of DUS' work, ranging from large urban strategies to outdoor breakfast designs. DUS sees architecture as a craftsmanship and combines research and design with a 'hands on' approach and unique use of materials.

DUS currently works on a variety of projects that range from art installation, product- and event design to architecture, planning and long-term urban transformation trajectories. The office is based in Amsterdam and is run by the three partners together with a varying team of employees and freelancers. By practicing their credo 'DESIGN by DOING' DUS establishes a dialogue with the community, which results in valuable input for the design process, and brings developer, (future) inhabitants and municipality around one table. In this manner, DUS currently leads big urban projects; such as the design and transformation of 150 communal dwell units in Nieuwegein and in their role as supervisors of the transformation of 2000 homes in Almere Haven. In 2006 this approach, dubbed 'DUS-method', was awarded the RMNO-price by VROM (the Dutch advisory council for research on spatial planning, nature and the environment).


17 jun 2015 1344 Redactie 0
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